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Meet Your Snohomish County
Chapter Leader!


Alisha's optical career began with her current employer, National Vision Inc., in 2001. Alisha is ABO, NCLE certified, and a Licensed Dispensing Optician. She is a Highline alum of the Apprentice Optician’s Course. Her current position is District Manager for Vista Optical in Fred Meyer one of the several retail brands with National Vision Inc. As a leader of 16 locations she is responsible for building customer relations, achieving results, Personnel Development, Recruiting, and ensuring compliance. She has a passion for helping build the OAW’s membership through sharing our sense of community and getting a higher recognition of our meaningful and gratifying profession.

Contact Alisha!

Promoting the professional stature of opticianry through educational opportunities, legislative activity, and national communications.

The OAW hosts opportunities throughout the year to earn continuing education credits. Visit our events page for updates!

The OAW consists of optical professionals from every corner of Washington state and beyond.

The OAW is proud to support many organizations that provide free or low-cost eyecare to our communities.

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PO Box 1447
Richland, WA 99352


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